As we age, there are common eye issues that can crop up, and many of them can have a big impact on your vision.
Aging can bring about some unpleasant but not totally unexpected changes to your entire body, and your eyesight is not immune.
Common Eye Issues
Here are the most common vision issues that you might face as you age.
- Presbyopia, which is the name for the gradual loss of your ability to see things like print up close as you age.
- Glaucoma, which is too much fluid pressure inside of your eye, which can eventually cause blindness if left untreated.
- Dry Eye, which is more common in women and can be treated with drops, environmental changes, or ointments. You can learn more about dry eye treatments here.
- Age-Related Macular Degeneration, which is where the cells of the macula (cones) are lost, blurring your central field of vision.
- Cataracts are cloudy areas in the lens of your eyes, which can cause your vision to be blurry. Cataracts are treatable with surgery.
- Floaters, which can be harmless but may also be a sign of a much bigger issue.
- Diabetic Retinopathy is a condition where the small blood vessels inside of your eye begin to not function properly. They may leak or stop supplying your retina properly with blood. Read more about diabetes and the eyes here.
- Retinal Detachment, which is considered a medical emergency and may be characterized by wavy vision, dark shadows, or flashes of light.
Protecting Your Eyesight as You Age
While there are many eye diseases and conditions that are simply more likely to come about as a result of aging, there are also multiple things that you can do to help prolong the healthy lifespan of your eyes or even prevent the progression of some of these issues.
Schedule checkups with your family physician so that any health conditions that might have a negative impact on your vision can be detected early, and more often if you have diabetes.
Schedule yearly checkups with your optometrist or ophthalmologist as well to detect any conditions that might develop, as many conditions can be prevented or corrected if caught early enough.
See your provider right away if you experience any eye issues such as a sudden change in your eyesight, pain, blurred vision, discharge, double vision, or swelling.
There are also lifestyle choices and behaviors that can help protect your eyesight or reduce the symptoms related to some conditions.
Diabetes and high blood pressure for example are two health conditions that can have a big impact on your vision, that can be managed or controlled by eating healthy, exercising, and maintaining a healthy weight.
If you smoke, quitting now can drastically improve not only the future of your vision but your overall health as well. You can also protect your vision from UV rays by wearing sunglasses and/or a wide-brimmed hat when you are outside.
Get Started Today
While you may not be able to turn back the hands of time when it comes to your eyes, understanding the signs and symptoms of these common age-related issues and how you can care for your vision over the long term can help keep your future bright!
Need to schedule an eye exam? Click here!