Eye Disease Diagnosis & Treatment

In Boise, we provide diagnosis, treatment, and management of diseases that affect the human eye and visual system. Several eye disease diagnoses present themselves in our office throughout the year. 

Common Eye Conditions

We work closely with specialists in various diseases. Some of the most common conditions we see in our office include:

Dry Eye Syndrome

When your tear ducts are not able to perform their main function of lubricating your eyes, you can develop what is known as dry eye syndrome. Your eyes will start to burn and sting because they are not lubricated. In areas where the air is dry, this can be incredibly painful. Other signs and symptoms include excessive mucus build-up, blurred vision, and fatigue in your eyes, making it difficult to keep them open. 


One of the more common eye diseases, cataracts refer to the cloudy part of your eye lens and prevents light from coming through. Everything you once could see becomes blurry, and it is especially difficult in dim-lit areas or at night. Cataracts leave behind halos around lights when you look at them and colors will start to blend together in a slow fade. 


Once the optic nerve in your eye is damaged due to trauma, the pressure and fluid build-up only increase, allowing glaucoma to set in. Glaucoma can be either open-angle or angle-closure. The open-angle glaucoma is where the fluid in the eye is not flowing properly despite it appearing normal. Angle-closure glaucoma happens when the area between the iris and the cornea is too narrow and pressure build-up happens within the eye. Tunnel vision, loss in peripheral vision, and blurred vision are all signs and symptoms of glaucoma. 

Diabetic Retinopathy

Someone who has been diagnosed with diabetes could cause issues with their eyes in a disease known as diabetic retinopathy. Directly related to sugar levels, this is a complication of the way the body is processing sugar and damages blood vessels in the back of the eye. Because it is a gradual condition, signs and symptoms often do not appear until the disease has progressed. Some of the first signs are dark spots and floaters through your vision. As it progresses, there is blurred vision and a lack of color recognition. 

Macular Degeneration

This eye disease may be the most common, appearing in patients who are 40 or older. Macular degeneration can either be dry or wet, both related to blood vessels that are abnormally growing in the eye. Early signs of macular degeneration include issues seeing when the lights are low, objects appearing to shrink or be smaller when looking at them directly, and blind spots in your vision. 

Ocular Allergies

Depending on what you have an allergy to, a reaction to pet dander, dust, or even severe hay fever can be ocular allergies. While your eyesight is not threatened, excessive eye-watering and dryness in the eyes can make it very uncomfortable for you. With severe ocular allergies, you will need eye drops designed to fight these symptoms and keep your eyes moist. 


Otherwise known as pink-eye, conjunctivitis is a bacterial infection in the eye that causes excessive redness and discharge. It can sometimes be confused with ocular allergies, but unlike allergies, bacterial conjunctivitis is contagious and can be spread. This needs to be treated with ointments and prescription eye drops to kill the bacteria and restore the eye to its former health.

Medical Eye Health Evaluation

During your comprehensive vision evaluation, our doctors will screen for many of the conditions listed above. If you are suffering from eye disease and need treatment, contact Gem State Eyecare today for more information or to schedule your appointment. We look forward to seeing you soon.